Chloe Berger Ph.D. Assistant Professor

Dr. Chloe Berger has over 10 years of professional experience in security and defence studies, curriculum development and capacity building in the MENA region. Before joining the UAE National Defence College, she served as a researcher and a Faculty Adviser at the NATO Defense College in Rome, where she used to oversee the Curriculum Planning of courses dedicated to NATO Southern partnerships and MENA – Sahel security related issues. As a researcher at the NATO Defense College, her work focused mainly on the broader MENA region and NATO’s Agenda for the South (Projecting Stability, partnerships, etc.).

Before joining NDC, Dr Chloe Berger held different positions in French educational institutions, public and private, in Syria and Egypt. She also worked as a consultant for risks analysis and strategic monitoring on Middle Eastern issues (Levant, North Africa, Sahel), and Euro-Atlantic security affairs. She is an Adjunct Lecturer to Sciences Po Paris and Sciences Po Aix and she is also an associate researcher to AESMA Center for Strategic Studies and to the Strategic Observatory on the Mediterranean and the Middle East (OS2MO). Dr Chloe Berger is a graduate from the Political Studies Institute of Paris (Sciences-Po Paris), and holds degrees from Paris II – Assas University (Ph.D) and from Pierre-Mendes France University, France (Master 2).