Dr. Yacouba Gnegne
Yacouba Gnegne, Ph.D. Associate Professor

Dr Yacouba Gnegne is an Associate Professor in Economics at United Arab Emirates National Defence College. He has previouslyworked for the United Nations in Ethiopia and Switzerland, and in academic institutions in France. Dr Gnegne was born in Burkina Faso, where he completed high school and the second year of undergraduate studies in Economics. He was then selected to study at Centre d’Etudeset de Recherchessur le Développement International (CERDI)/CNRS and University of Auvergnein Clermont-Ferrand, France, under a scholarship from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

He holds a Ph.D. in Economics, with distinction; a Master’s degree in Development Research, with distinction; a Master’s degree in Development Projects Analysis, with distinction; and a Master’s degree in Law with specialization in Public Governance, from CERDI and the Universityof Auvergne.His Ph.D. was funded by the French Research Ministry.

Dr Gnegne’s main areas of research are macroeconomic policy and sustainable development measurement and policies. He has publications in internationally-reputed peer-reviewed journals such as Ecological Economics, Applied Economics Letters, and Economic Modelling, and contributed to various United Nationspublications. He has presented research papers and delivered speeches at international meetings.

Dr Gnegne has taught at CERDI and the University of Clermont-Ferrand, the Amiens business school Supde Co, and at EcoleSupérieure de Commerce of Clermont-Ferrand.The subjects he taught at undergraduate and graduate level includeIndustrial Economics, Macroeconomic Policy, National Accounting, Development Economics, International Trade and Finance, Geo-economics, and Applied Econometrics. He is married with a child.