Tuesday 01 August 2023

The National Defence College hosted the Commander of the Nigerian Air War College, his deputy and his accompanying delegation, consisting of coordination members and the General Staff, as well as a number of participants from the supporting staff, on Tuesday, August 1st, 2023 at the college's headquarters.

The delegation were received from in front of the college building by His Excellency Major General Staff Pilot / Salem Saeed Harmal Al Shamsi, Commander of the National Defence College, accompanied by the commanders of the wings, where the group photo was taken at the beginning of the reception.

The visit by the delegation of the Nigerian Air War College aims to get acquainted with the National Defence College of the UAE, as a briefing was presented about the college that included the college's vision, mission and objectives. Additionally,  introducing the National Defence College's academic program that is taught to its course members. During its visit, the visiting delegation also got acquainted with the most important wings and educational facilities that it includes and educational halls equipped with devices and tools to assist in the processes of explanation, learning, discussion and training supplies.

At the conclusion of the visit, the delegation of the Nigerian Air War College expressed their appreciation for the welcome they received from the college, and for the presentation, explanation and introduction of the college and its academic program, after which the leader of the delegation wrote his speech in the visitors' registry of the National Defence College, and the two parties exchanged souvenirs at the end of the introductory visit.